Jesus calms the storm song
Jesus calms the storm song

jesus calms the storm song

They don't just wake him, they scold him. The disciples, scared out of their wits with the waves crashing over the boat, wake Jesus up. This is not uncommon on Galilee, and because it's a relatively small body of water with smaller boats that could easily capsize, it could be even more chaotic. Suddenly a violent storm whips up over the lake. Imagine the scene: Tired and weary after a long day of teaching and healing, Jesus falls asleep on some cushions in the stern of the boat. Here we have a picture of how God's kingdom will bring under control all the powers that are against us. Here we have the Son of God who has power over the wind and the waves. Here we have an ordinary human being who is tired and falls asleep in the boat. The Bible story for today displays all of these aspects of Jesus' miracles. They demonstrate the kingdom of God that Jesus will usher in-when sickness and death will be destroyed and the powers of evil brought under control. They show that the ordinary human being called Jesus is also the Son of God who can show God's power in the world. They are meant to tell us something about Jesus and about the kingdom of God that Jesus is announcing.

jesus calms the storm song

These miracles are not meant merely to show Jesus' superhuman power. In unit 3 we will focus on some of the miracles that show Jesus' power over the forces of nature in the world and in human lives. Please pray with me that the Holy Spirit will use Dwell, along with our own leading (yours and mine) and our own examples of faith to guide your child, and each child in our group, into a life of faith. (Be sure your child hangs on to the new Memory Challenge poster-the next unit’s poster will go with it to form one large poster of the entire psalm.) To help us write the words of this psalm on your child’s heart, we’ll be singing them together! If you’d like to learn the song “Green Pastures” and sing it at home, you may purchase a copy of the DwellSongs 1 CD or download the song on the Leader Support page of. Our new Memory Challenge is Psalm 23:1-3. Encourage your child to tell you about the part of God’s story he or she is learning each week as you read through the Show and Share paper and use the great ideas on the back of the God’s Big Story Cards to jump-start your conversations. We’ve completed the stories about Jesus’ birth and early years and are about to begin a series of stories about Jesus’ amazing power that will include Jesus calming the storm, healing a young girl, turning water into wine, feeding four thousand people, and healing a man who can’t see.Įvery story your child learns has a story symbol that goes along with it-you’ll see them on the Show and Share papers your child brings home. Just a note to keep you up to date on what’s happening in your child’s Wonder group this year.

Jesus calms the storm song